Item Market

  • !market info, marketId - View stats and other information about the listed item.
  • !market sell, item, amount - Lists your item in the market for the items you want in return.
  • !market list - View recent market listings.
  • !market list, playerName - View another players market listings.
  • !market buy, marketId - Buys an item that is listed on the market.
  • !market cancel, marketId - Cancels your market listing and returns the item to your depot.
Selling an item for another item
!market sell, orb of enchantment, 3
Lists your item on the market in exchange for 3 orbs of enchantment
Selling an item for gold
!market sell, crystal coin, 50
Lists your item on the market in exchange for 50 crystal coins

ID Item Item Info Price Listing Info
1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 a teleport clay 1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 an atlas amulet 1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 an atlas amulet 1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 a supreme ring of regeneration 1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 a supreme ring of regeneration 1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 a supreme ring of regeneration 1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 Depay's Mage's firewalker boots of Sustenance
Mana: +51, Health: +21
1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 Firenus's Mage's firewalker boots of Sustenance
Mana: +65, Health: +25
1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 Roger Federer's Dazzling firewalker boots of Wizardry
Health: +23, Mana: +61
1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 Firenus's Mage's firewalker boots of Acceleration
Mana: +68, Speed: +12
1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 Royal Sezh's Lich's firewalker boots of Medicine
Mana: +88, Regeneration: +9
1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 Firenus's Healing firewalker boots of Brilliance
Regeneration: +10, Mana: +108
1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
1 Ghostdz's Rapid firewalker boots of Regeneration
Speed: +14, Regeneration: +6
1 Listed:
Seller: Panzerfaust
CANCELED 1 100 points voucher 1 Listed:
Seller: Yepyep
CANCELED 1 100 points voucher 1 Listed:
Seller: Yepyep
CANCELED 1 500 points voucher 1 Listed:
Seller: Sterydziar
1 a paladin armor 5 Listed:
Seller: Ramoca Far
1 a paladin armor 5 Listed:
Seller: Ramoca Far
1 a paladin armor 5 Listed:
Seller: Ramoca Far
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 a supreme ring of regeneration 1 Listed:
Seller: Baobab
SOLD 1 an addon doll 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 an orb of enchantment 1 Listed:
Seller: Koksiorr
SOLD 1 Balenciaga's Dazzling dragon scale legs of Penetrating
Health: +24, Distance: +3
1 Listed:
Seller: Balenciaga
SOLD 1 a paw amulet 1 Listed:
Seller: Balenciaga
SOLD 1 Qui's Mending firewalker boots of Stone
Regeneration: +6, Armor: +5
1 Listed:
Seller: Balenciaga
SOLD 1 Cranberrian's Rapid firewalker boots of Wizardry
Speed: +13, Mana: +63
1 Listed:
Seller: Balenciaga
SOLD 1 Versace's Resistive firewalker boots of Sustenance
Armor: +3, Health: +23
1 Listed:
Seller: Balenciaga
Showing: 50 of 1111 (Everything)

Warning: Item Purchase History is enabled. If you're using this to determine item prices then it's important to remember that players or friends can create listings and buy them with other accounts to manipulate the perceived prices you see. The completed market listings displayed may not reflect real in-game item value and prices will change over time.